
Healing and Opportunity Through Music, One Person at a Time

The U.S. Criminal Justice System is Unjust.

The U.S. has the highest incarceration rate in the world with little emphasis on rehabilitation. Mass incarceration perpetuates systemic racism, tears families apart and oppresses marginalized communities. Lack of access to education and alternative opportunities contribute to this damaging cycle.

But Music Has the Power to Create Justice.

Music education provides vital tools to end the cycle of mass incarceration and empower individuals with creative outlets for self-expression and personal growth. Give a Beat’s music education programs heal individuals and communities affected by incarceration, cultivate creative career pathways, and redirect lives.

Give a Beat is the Leading Provider of Music Arts Education for Communities Affected by Incarceration

Help Us Provide a Pathway to Healing and Opportunity

  • $250

    Provides 3 months of mentoring for an On a New Track participant.

  • $1,000

    Covers the cost of 1 person to join our Prison Electronic Music Program.

  • $2,000

    Provides music production & DJ equipment.

  • $5,000

    Supports 1 participant to join On a New Track.

  • $125

    Provides an all-inclusive equipment carrier to an On a New Track graduate.

  • $50

    Buys a headphone set for one participant.

  • $30

    Covers the cost of music downloads for DJ sets.

Inspire Communities to Take Action

Join Us to Transform Lives

Meet Our Graduates from On a New Track

Give a Beat Records

We launched a record label!

Give a Beat Records supports people after incarceration, helping them produce, distribute, and market original music for global release, giving our artists access to platforms and resources to share their unique voices with the world.