Pelligroso shows how one can take the promise of his own artistic talent, combine it with purpose-driven community action and forge a brighter future from the two.

About Pelligroso

And now, with the latest success story from Give a Beat, we present Pelligroso. 

For starters, the new, hip-hop DJ/artist was recently signed to the non-profit organization’s new label, Give a Beat Records. Look for his debut single, “Street Poetry,” which will drop December 9. But that’s not all that Give a Beat has provided the 24-year-old talent (aka Koeppell McDade).

Eight months after his release from the California Youth Authority (CYA), McDade joined Give a Beat’s “On a New Track” Reentry Mentoring Program (under his Pelligroso alias), which gave him a focused path for his musical endeavors. Unique to Give a Beat, this course pairs formerly incarcerated individuals with music-industry professionals, who instruct their mentees on the finer points of music production, DJing, and music-related business.

My experience as an artist for Give a Beat is phenomenal,” says the Southern California-based Pelligroso. “I have a great support team, who are attentive to my creativity. It’s a great starting point for my career.”

A fan of music since his youth, McDade says he found early inspiration in “Drumline,” the 2002 coming-of-age film, co-produced by mega-producer Dallas Austin. Says McDade, “I fell in love with the snare drum.” And a lifetime of creativity was to follow.

During his time in the CYA, music was his therapy. It gave him a voice during a difficult time, but it also gave him a touchstone for a creative future beyond the bars. And now, thanks to Give a Beat, he has it.   

In addition to his own music pursuits, Pelligroso has found a way to give back to the community. As a Teaching Artist in Give a Beat’s Youth Music Production and DJ Program, Pelligroso lends his talents to under-represented neighborhoods and enhances the opportunity for youths to discover their own creativity.

“My experience as a youth TA is a therapeutic activity for me,” he says. “I get to show my talent and break down detailed information on what my intentions are when either producing or DJing. In simple terms, it’s the greatest way to express myself, put smiles on the kids’ faces and plant artistic seeds in each and every one I work with.”

Though he’s experienced a lot and accomplished plenty, Koeppell McDade’s journey is far from finished. He has shown how one can take the promise of his own artistic talent, combine it with purpose-driven community action and forge a brighter future from the two. For Pelligroso and Give a Beat, the journey continues.

Street Poetry